Wouldn’t it be great if you could grow healthy, delicious foods in your backyard without going through all the work of creating a sectioned-off garden? You actually can! There are several healthy snacks that you can harvest in your backyard that thrive when planted with ornamentals out in the open. These healthy snacks are often-times planted among other wildlife-resistant plants to avoid the possibility of being eaten by a hungry animal. Here are 12 healthy snacks you can grow in your own backyard to create a truly unique edible landscape.

Strawberries are a favorite for salads, smoothies, and more. They are also perfect for planting in your own backyard. Strawberry plants are perennials that thrive in spring and fall.

A handful of blueberries is a delicious and healthy snack you can grow in your own backyard. They grow on beautiful bushes with white flowers in the spring and fall.

Fruit Trees
Planting fruit trees allows you to have many different types of healthy fruits at your fingertips. Fruit trees are best to plant in the fall. 

Some fruit trees that grow best in a backyard are:

  • Pear Trees

  • Fig Trees

  • Plum Trees

  • Cherry Trees

  • Peach Trees

  • Orange Trees

Perennial herbs, such as oregano and lavender, grow wonderfully in backyards! These herbs thrive in early spring. Having herbs in your own backyard is a convenient way to spice up many of your favorite healthy dishes.

Hot and sweet peppers make for great foods, such as salsa, and can grow in your backyard. Many peppers cannot be left in the open at first, due to their leaves attracting hungry animals, but once they have grown taller and hardier, they can be planted in your backyard. 

Artichokes are great for open landscapes, as they have prickly leaves that ward off any hungry wildlife. What's even better is that they are also a super yummy and healthy addition to meals. Baked, grilled, or steamed, they are a perfect side dish.

Eggplants have scratchy leaves that keep wildlife at bay, making them a great choice to plant in your backyard. Their star shaped flowers make for a pretty landscape, while the veggie itself is a healthy and delicious option as a roasted vegetable.

Pole beans grow tall on a trellis with chicken wire around the bottom so wildlife cannot get to them. Plant these in the spring for a healthy and tasty side dish option.

Onions, Garlic, and Chives
Alliums, such as these, are yummy ingredients for many recipes that you can grow right in your own backyard. They deter wildlife as well, making them great to plant next to other vegetables. These alliums thrive best when planted in early fall.

Kale is a fan favorite and one of the healthiest veggies out there! It is great for making a summer salad.

This plant loves the sun and will easily climb a trellis or stake. Plant tomato seeds in late spring and have delicious ingredients for salsa, salads, and sauces all summer long.

Edible Flowers 
Edible flowers are great garnishes for salads and cocktails. Flowers such as daisies, lavender, and lilacs look beautiful in your yard and on your plate!

To learn more about edible landscaping and growing healthy produce, check out the infographic by Angi below, and Happy Growing! 

Hana Rehman is a Chicago-based content creator who believes in the power of compelling stories. Her passion for creative writing has led her to cover unique topics ranging from wellness to gardening. In her spare time you will find her exploring new places, hiking, and listening to audiobooks while walking her dog.
