Due to the pandemic, the number of pet adoptions around the country has skyrocketed, and more people are realizing the benefits that come with adopting a pet. If you plan to bring home a new dog, you are no doubt excited at the prospect of getting to know each other. However, if you are preparing to launch a home-based business, it is likely you are also concerned about how you will be able to manage your business at the same time.

It is going to be a bit of a roller coaster at first, but it will be worth the ride! To help ease your anxiety so that you and your pup can comfortably adjust, below are some helpful tips to guide you along the way.

Take Care of Key Matters First
Before bringing your new pet home, focus on some of the more time-consuming matters first. For example, go ahead and prepare any necessary paperwork for your business, apply for your business license and even prepare a workspace. Remember too that every covidpreneur needs a business structure, and now is the time to register your entity. Common choices are either a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company. There are benefits to both, but having an LLC generally means less paperwork, certain tax benefits, and different types of flexibility.

Regardless of the structure you choose, managing important business first allows you to spend more time with your new pet when they come home. This includes taking care of some of the more time-consuming tasks that should be completed early on, like drafting a marketing plan and creating branding graphics like your logo. An eye-catching logo is paramount to standing out from the competition, but if you are strapped for time or simply not skilled in the graphics department, don’t sweat it -- you can use a tool like Adobe’s free custom logo maker to help you generate a logo perfect for your business’s identity.

Develop a Schedule for Everyone
Once your dog arrives, help them adjust to their new life by setting up a schedule that you both can follow. Animals and people tend to do better when they have a regular routine. It can be soothing to a new pet who is trying to settle in, and, as Career Girl Daily notes, having a work schedule allows you to ensure your work is completed in a timely manner.

Think about what you need to get done every day for work and what you need to do for your pet as you establish a routine. Perhaps your pup can start their day with a little playtime, a short walk and then breakfast. After this, your dog will likely be ready to lounge for a bit, making this the perfect time to tend to emails, planning your day and so on. When lunchtime rolls around, you can stop for lunch and a quick play, and then stop for a long noontime walk.

Enlist Help When Necessary
There will be times when you cannot tackle it all. Like when your pet needs attention but you have pressing work matters to take care of. In cases like these, tap into the services of a professional dog walker who can take your pet out and provide them with some much-needed attention. Professional dog walkers can help with taking your pet outside, supplying them with extra love, and even working on issues like separation anxiety and socialization. Don't be afraid to ask for help with your pet, especially when you need to focus time on managing your company.

While it might seem a little challenging to bring home a new pet as you build your business at home, rest assured that it can be accomplished. Taking care of pressing matters early on and creating a schedule can do wonders for you both. And don't forget to outsource and ask for help when necessary. With these tips in mind, it should be easier for the both of you to adjust to your new life together.

Cheryl Conklin Is an aspiring writer. From being a dedicated blogger, traveler, and adventurer, she created Wellness Central so she could share her thoughts and resources gathered from her endless aspiration to achieve wellness for both herself and everyone.
